Automation systems are also meant for security and surveillance purposes. These systems make sure that the installed security system is strong enough to stop any kind of infringement in the restricted or regulated areas. These automation systems are also used in corporate offices, shopping malls, public places like airports, railway stations, bus terminals, military establishments etc. Apart from surveillance, these systems are also used for attendance recorder, hotel locks, access control systems, fire detection and prevention system. Some of these advanced systems are:
•Smart Card Based Attendance and Access Control Systems
• Face Recognition Systems
•Vehicle Access Control Systems
•Access Control Gates and Locking system
•CCTV Surveillance Cameras
•IP cameras
•IR/ Day Night Cameras
•Conventional Fire Alarm Systems
•Addressable Fire Alarm Systems
•Fence/Perimeter Protection security systems
•Audio/Video-Door Phone security systems
•EAS(Anti Shop Lifting System)
•Smart Key Lock Management Systems for Hotels
•Global Positioning Systems
•Wired and wireless security systems
Home automations mean making appliances and devices to work in an automatic manner by controlling it remotely. The instant connectivity and remote access is availed through internet and all electronic devices in your home can be activated with the help of a secured password protected website. Home automation includes centralized control of lighting, HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems, appliances, integration of electrical devices and other security systems. improved convenience, comfort, energy efficiency and security. Home control automated system integrates electrical devices in a house with each other.The devices are connected through a computer network and controlled by a personal computer or allow remote access from the internet